History of the Council

The St. Joseph Safety and Health Council began operations in January 1935 and is one of the veteran safety councils in the nation.  The Council was formed as a result of concerned citizens who gathered in response to rising traffic crashes, injuries and deaths within the city.  It was operated by volunteers until 1945 when it was reorganized with a paid staff.  In 1957, the Council was incorporated and became a member of the St. Joseph United Fund, Inc., now the United Way of Greater St. Joseph, Inc.    

The Council is a a community service organization, 501(c)3 non-profit organization and governed by a volunteer board of directors, comprised of local service agency representatives, business and industry leaders, and emergency service providers.  Although the agency primarily serves the greater St. Joseph area, some programs extend beyond the community and services are provided throughout northwest Missouri. 


Mission Statement

The St. Joseph Safety and Health Council's mission is to promote a safe and healthy community through public awareness, education, and community services.


1955 - Freedom of the American Road, Spotlighting St. Joseph Safety and Health Council

Vision Statement

To be the safest and healthiest community in the state of Missouri.