Probation Services

In 1991, the Buchanan and area courts petitioned the St. Joseph Safety and Health Council to take on the responsibility for their Court Supervised Probation.  The Safety Council began offering the probation services by monitoring the conditions of probation as set forth by the courts.  Conditions of probation range from reporting monthly, maintaining gainful employment, restitution, community service hours, attending alcohol treatment, AA meetings or other educational programs, getting a GED for those without a high school diploma, to all other requirements as assigned. Individuals are normally placed on probation for a period ranging from six months to two years.

Those individuals placed on probation to the Safety Council are for various charges which include, but are not limited to, driving while intoxicated, possession of drugs, non-support, stealing, driving while suspended, bad checks, careless and imprudent driving, violation of order of protection, property damage, or unlawful use of a weapon.

To make an appointment for Probation Services please call the Council at (816) 233-3330.